Lead Magnets

Move Prospects Further Down the Funnel

They’ve checked out your website and maybe even read a blog post. But your prospects want more.

Downloadable assets — also known as lead magnets or bait pieces — are a key component to any marketing campaign because they target prospects who are willing to trade their contact details for access to your coveted information or offers.

Looking to educate your audience and deliver value? Consider the power of:

  • Tip sheets. This type of asset is great for prospects who want to learn more in an easy-to-read layout.
  • White papers. Leverage this medium to present your case in a persuasive, detailed format that promotes your methodology.
  • Research reports. Turn stats and figures into a powerful lead generation opportunity.
  • Infographics. Break down a complex topic into a digestible visual format.

Lead magnets are incentives for prospects to provide their valuable contact info — and for you to continue the sales conversation. We’ll do the copywriting, you convert the resulting leads.

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