Digital Marketing Content

Content that continues the conversation

To get the most bang for your content marketing buck, connect with potential buyers where they’re already hanging out. Whether your audience is scrolling social media, checking emails or browsing your site, we can help pump up your digital marketing strategy:

  • Email acquisition campaigns. Expanding your reach to build your base of buyers? We’ll reach out with targeted content and offers to move prospects down the funnel.
  • Email nurturing campaigns. Stay top-of-mind with warm leads by providing informational content and thought leadership.
  • Landing pages. A prime piece of marketing real estate, landing pages are a must-have to continue the campaign conversation.
  • Newsletters. A great way to keep in touch with current clients, referral sources and past prospects — and to amortize your blog investment.
  • Website content. Increase conversion rates with fresh, relevant content that’s useful, educational and engaging.
  • Video scripts. Today, 86% of marketers are using videos as a content marketing tool. We’ll put the right words in your mouth to make the most of the medium.

For best results, you’ll want to integrate print and digital in a multichannel strategy. No worries, we’ve got you covered there, too.

Let’s have a convo

impressmDigital Marketing Content